Ad Tech Strategies for 2024

Google Search Audience Feeds

How to Build Facebook Audiences Targeting High-Intent Google Search Users with lower cost ads on Facebook

5 min readJul 23, 2024
Google Search Audience Feeds for Facebook Audience Building

The digital world is becoming less and less reliant on 3rd party cookies and for privacy advocates, this is a huge win. For Brands and Advertisers, it’s a scary new world. Luckily there’s a solution that revereses all that has been lost in the age of harder attribution and fewer targeting options in ad platforms that used to deliver low-cost customers at scale with little effort. The solution… Google Search Audience Feeds.

What are Google Search Audience Feeds?

Imagine you’re a digital marketing agency with a client looking for roofing clients in their local market. How do you run ads targeting roofing clients on Facebook? People aren’t searching Facebook for roofing contractors. They can’t be found in “Interest Targeting” either… Facebook’s solution is to go wide with your audience targeting. But how will Facebook determine what clients are actively looking for a roofing contractor? The simple answer is they aren’t. You will use a shotgun approach to marketing and just show your ads to everyone and hope for the best. This isn’t a strategy, it’s a great way to burn through your marketing budget with nothing to show for it.

The world of High-Intent consumers has always been owned by Google Search. Where people never search Facebook for Roofing Contractors, they are always using Google to find them. Running PPC Ads is expensive, however. Acquiring a customer on Google can be very expensive and not a guarantee.

But, what if there was a way to generate a list of everyone searching Google for Roofing Contractors in a local market without spending a single penny on clicks? Well, you can with a Google Search Audience Feed.

These Google Search Roofing consumers can be automatically pushed into your Custom Facebook Audience every six hours and targeted with low-cost ads that convert way more than just letting Facebook figure it out. It’s the holy grail of ad targeting and the campaigns we run are proof that they work.

Google Search Audience Feed Case Studies

I’ve been using Google Search Audience Feeds for almost a year now. They have completely changed the way I target audiences and generate low-cost leads for my clients. I’ll share some of the most compelling and average results that I’ve gotten using these feeds below!

Wealth Management Leads

I have a wealth management firm that I run ads for called Everest. They were spending an average of $743 per lead on Facebook ads before working with me and their average cost per new client was over $3,100. In just a few days of targeting consumers by searching Google for “Wealth Management Companies,” we generated leads for just $43 each. These leads are self-qualified with more than $2M in Investable Assets. You can see a video recording of our campaign results using Google Search Audience Feeds.

Infinite Banking Leads

One of my clients is a Financial Planner and wanted to generate low-cost Infinite Banking leads. There are no targeting options within Facebook for interests related to Infinite Banking which can easily be solved with an Audience Feed. So we created a Google Search Audience Feed of people searching Google for terms related to Infinite Banking. We set up our ads and ran them with amazing results. As you can see, we generated leads for as little as $13 each.

How to Set up a Facebook campaign using Google Search Audience Feeds

If you want to see similar results like the ones above, you’ll first need to find a feed provider. Just search “Google Search Audience Feeds” and you’ll find companies that offer them. I don’t want to endorse any company over another so I’ll let you do your own research here.

Once you find a provider, you’ll order an Audience Feed and get a CSV File with your audience inside. The number of people in your audience will be determined by your budget but you should remember that the more people you have in your audience feed, the lower your CPM will be so I always shoot for around 50k people on my list. This typically costs between $1500 and $2500 for the audience feed.

Creating a Custom Audience on Facebook

The first thing you’ll need to do once you get your Audience Feed file is go to your Facebook Ad Account and click on the “Audiences” tab. You’ll then click on “Create Audience” then “Custom Audience” from the dropdown menu. You’ll then select “Customer File” from the options presented and then follow the steps to upload your Audience File. You’ll want to map the following fields only:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Personal Email
  • Additional Personal Emails
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Personal Phone Number
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code

Once you’ve mapped these fields, upload the file and then create a few “look-a-like” audiences. You’ll want to create a look-a-like audience of 0–1% and 1–2% in the United States. This will make your audience bigger and help drop your CMP even lower.

Optimizing Facebook Ad Set Settings for the Best Results

When you set up your ads on Facebook using your custom audience, you’ll want to select the following options:

Advantage+ Audiences

Turn Advantage+ Audience targeting on. This will expand your audience even further than your Google Search Audience and also help lower your CMP. When in the Advantage+ Settings, add detailed targeting by selecting other interests relevant to your audience. This will help further train Facebook’s algorithm to find even more potential customers by building an in-depth profile of them.

AI Video Content

When we get to the creative part of our ads, we use a platform called You can create AI Avatars, provide a script and you’ll get realistic AI content that converts very well. We’ve used this for our ads and we consistently get CTR’s over 5% which is insane.


If you haven’t started using Google Search Audience Feeds for your campaigns, it’s time to switch up your strategy and target your customers with precision. Stepping up your ad tech stack using these feeds will make you look like a super star with your boss and team. Good luck!




Serial Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing thought leader featured in Inc. Magazine and Entrepreneur. Founder of