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Unlocking High-Intent Google Search Consumers Without Spending a Penny on Clicks

Learn how to find the contact info of people searching any keyword on Google without spending a single penny on a click.

8 min readOct 1, 2023


Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

When you really need to get in front of people actively searching for the products you sell, services you offer, software you create, or problems you solve, you better be thinking of Google. These “High Intent searchers” are looking for your product millions of times a week and all you have to do is find a way to unlock their contact info and get in front of them with your offer.

Where 99.9% of marketers get it wrong is that they actually pay for ads on Google and I get it… Google makes you think it’s the only way to reach these high-intent consumers and you just don’t know another way. It’s a good thing you’re reading this article because I’m about to show you that better way!

Introduction to Data Aggregation

Unlocking the power of the cookie

Data is a powerful tool, and there are companies out there whose sole business model is the collection and aggregation of consumer data. Some of these companies gather financial information like income, net worth, and credit score, and others unlock the power of the cookie in some pretty awesome ways.

You might be surprised to learn that when you click “Accept all Cookies” after conjuring up a website from the internet, you’re agreeing to a Spanish inquisition-level interrogation of everything you search, add to your cart, and more. The level of information that data aggregation companies have on you is enormous. They know way more than they should and for consumers this is concerning, but for marketers like us… it’s power beyond imagination.

According to AudienceSherpas, a leading Data Aggregation platform, they gather detailed information on over 270M US consumers including Google Search history, websites visited, financial information, demographic info, and even the VIN number of your vehicles.

Now add AI, Machine Learning, and Intent Algorithms to that mix and you’ve got apocalypse-level consumer privacy issues… or the greatest marketing opportunity on the planet.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Turning Data Intelligence Into Opportunities

It’s one thing to unlock the hidden power of the cookie to find and target high-intent search consumers, but it’s another thing to turn it into actionable marketing funnels that convert these “searchers” into your customers.

This white paper will explore three ways to turn this data into marketing strategies that actually work. Make sure you stay to the end because we’ve saved the best strategy for last!

Before we dive into these marketing strategies, we first need to figure out how to unlock this data. Then we can learn how to reach out to the consumers actively looking for your products or services.

Photo by Pietro Jeng on Unsplash

Building Consumer Search Data Feeds

Think about the keywords your customers search Google to find your product or service. Focus on high-intent precursor keywords like “Cheap”, “Best”, “Affordable” and so on to find consumers who are in a “Buying” frame of mind. Anything related to pricing is a strong indicator of purchase intent.

Once you’ve built a list of keywords, it’s time to shop for Data Aggregation platforms like AudienceSherpas. You can “Build an Audience” based on the keywords you just came up with.

After picking your geographic market which can be the entire US, a whole State, a City, or even a collection of Zip Codes, you’ll then set your data feed frequency. This is how often you want new consumers to come into your lead dashboard. For the campaigns I run, I just set it to “Daily” but you can opt-in to get fresh leads updated each hour to make sure you reach your audience when they are actively searching for your products.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Depending on the options you selected, you’ll see a daily cost for this raw lead data and an estimate of how long it will take to turn on your campaign. If everything looks good, you’ll add your credit card info and turn on your data feed.

When your data feed is properly set up, you’ll start getting an influx of daily or hourly consumer leads to your lead dashboard. This is where your marketing options start!

What Data do you get from these Consumers?

I kind of touched on this a little when describing what data aggregation companies are collecting on consumers but here is a rundown of some of the data you’ll get access to from these providers.

Contact Information:

First/Last Name

Email Address

Cell Phone Number

Full Home Address

LinkedIn Profile Link

Demographic Data:



Birth Month

Birth Year

Marital Status

Number of kids

Age of Kids

Financial Data:

Household Income

Net Worth

Homeowner Status

Home Value

FICO Score

Credit Cards

VIN Number

Search and Web History:

Google Search Keywords

Websites Visited

Products added to Carts

This data gives marketers like us an insight into these consumers that’s almost unheard of from a targeting perspective. These consumers are also all opted in to receive marketing messages from you via email, phone, or text messages.

3 Strategies to Turn Raw Consumer Data into Actual Customers

If you’ve made it this far into the article, you’re serious about this exciting new methodology of reaching high-intent customers without spending a penny on ads… That’s where I have to break your heart for just a few seconds… So far, you’ve escaped the dreaded advertising pit known as SMM or Social Media Marketing. The next two marketing options utilize paid ads but in a completely new and awesome way. Stay with me for just a few minutes! It’ll be worth it I promise.

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Strategy One: Hash Data Targeting

Targeting Specific Search Consumers Using Hash Data

If you aren’t familiar with Hash Data, it's a way to target exact social media users using their anonymized “Hash Data Code”. Social media platforms like Meta use Hash Data Codes to anonymize their users. Part of the data you get in your data feed includes your leads “Hash Data Code”.

Let’s explain this with a hypothetical situation. Sally just had a baby who was suffering from eczema and sought the wisdom of Google to help her find a product for her child by searching “Baby eczema skin care products”. A short time later, Sally's contact info pops up in your lead dashboard including her Hash Code.

Using the power of Automation via Zapier, her Hash Code is automatically added to her campaign's Audience targeting. Sally sees an ad specifically about the problem she was just searching on Google moments earlier, clicks on the highly targeted ad, and buys her product.

Targeting specific customers who are actively looking for your products or solutions using Hash Code targeting is brilliant. It targets high-intent Google search consumers on cheaper ad platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok with relevant ads that speak to their needs.

Strategy Two: Look-a-Like Audiences

Building highly targeted Look-a-Like audiences on Social Media Platforms

This strategy is somewhat similar to the one above but it’s slightly different and a little less effective. You really need to follow it up with additional “Look-a-Like Audiences as these consumers start to convert.

The difference between a “Look-a-Like Audience” and targeting consumers using Hash Data Codes centers on who is actually being targeted. A “Look-a-Like” audience is just that, an audience that looks like a list of people who have taken an action or even purchased your product before.

You’re using this list to help Ad platforms figure out who your audience is by letting their algorithms find commonalities between these people that can be used to target other people with the same commonalities. These algorithms are surprisingly accurate and get even more accurate with bigger sample sizes.

Most “look-a-Like Audiences” require a minimum of 1,000 people to be used in campaigns. However, the bigger the audience is, the more accurate the profile of your customer and the lower your cost to acquire new customers will be.

You can easily build a “Look-a-Like” audience that consists of tens of thousands of consumers who have searched for your type of product or service.

When you run ads to these people, they will convert at a higher percentage because of how targeted they are to your target audience.

Strategy Three: Direct Outreach

Use the Highest Converting Outreach Tool on the Planet, Text Messaging

Email marketing sucks… I hate it and don’t suggest anyone use it. The open rates, click-through rates, and attention of consumers in email are horrible. It’s a wasted opportunity and should only be used as a follow tool when used in conjunction with Text Messaging.

I love Text Messages because consumers actually open them! But I add a little extra to my messages that convert them even more than anything else and that’s videos. Video is the most powerful way to get your customer's attention when you finally get the opportunity to pitch them your product or service. Video is so powerful that when you target your audience with them, 97% of text message videos that are opened are watched almost all the way through to completion.

So Imagine our friend, Sally, if she got a video from the founder of a skincare brand about how her baby struggled with eczema and she concocted this amazing product that actually worked, she would pay attention.

Under the video in your text message, you can add a link to your product page. This marketing method actually works and is the highest-converting marketing strategy I’ve ever used. Your only cost to implement this strategy is the raw data leads from your data provider and a text messaging service like DialmyCalls which can send MMS messages (Video Text Messages) to your customers enmass.

When I use this methodology, I set it up to automatically send these video messages every hour as soon as new customers are uncovered in my Lead Dashboard. I just set up some campaign automation using Zapier and dialmycalls and my campaign runs on autopilot during normal business hours.


I know we’ve uncovered a lot of new ideas, concepts, and marketing strategies that you might not have been aware of. That’s why I had to write this guide and make sure people like you are able to find new and exciting ways to reach their customers at lower and lower costs. As a contributor to, I love bringing new ideas to marketers like you for free. If you haven’t already signed up for our Growth Hacking Courses and Guides like this, please do so today! We have an awesome community of growth hackers and marketing professionals!

About the Author


As a Fractional CMO, I get to work with dozens of companies when I’m not launching my own platforms, software companies, and consumer packaged goods brands. I understand the struggles most founders, marketers, and business people have growing their businesses. My passion is providing unique strategies that think outside the box of traditional marketing. I provide free mentorship to over 600 startup founders a year and love helping these founders think differently about their businesses and how to market them. If you’re looking for insightful, strategic, and out-of-the-box marketing strategies follow me here on Medium!




Serial Entrepreneur, Internet Marketing thought leader featured in Inc. Magazine and Entrepreneur. Founder of